lklandscapedesign.com_Behind every great writer, is a great editor!

Okay, so you’ve finally finished that book you’ve been working on and you’re ready to either self-publish or send it off to a publishing house. The world is waiting to read it! Congratulations! But wait…hold on! Is your book editorially ready? If I edit it, it will be! Statistics show that if a book is filled with misspellings, grammatical errors, poor sentence and paragraph structure or inconsistencies, the reader will become distracted, quickly lose interest and put the book down. That’s definitely not what you want!

My goal is to not change your voice or your story, but to enhance and amplify it. My desire is to work with you. It’s YOUR story, let me help you make it the best it can be editorially. Editing is critical, especially if you’re self-publishing. Having a polished, professionally edited book tells the world that you are a serious writer who cares about the reading audience and the clarity of the story or message in your book. Let me help you!  Contact me and let’s get started on making that dream book of yours into a reality! By the way, you can see some samples of my writing by visiting my portfolio at https://www.clippings.me/avasimone


What does an Editor do?

The Content Editor

This is the professional eye which looks over your manuscript with a fine tooth comb. They will catch things like inconsistent character behavior/speech, style issues, and readability. A content editor will be able to help you adjust your language by audience  make sure everything makes sense, has believable dialogue and a plausible plot.

The Copy Editor

A Copy Editor is more like a professional proof-reader. Someone who performs this task usually does minimal rewriting. They check the manuscript for clarity and flow. Sometimes many copy editors will also do line editing as the two are tied closely together and work well as a two part process.

The Line Editor

Line editors will go over each sentence to make sure it is ready for publication. They check for grammar, punctuation, spelling, consistency and word usage and can often assist with rewriting/rewording sections that need help.

As you can see there are a lot of steps, and they are all important and each process will only make your manuscript better. A professional editor is never wasted money.

The Proofreader

– Rechecking the whole text (full reading, skimming, or scanning).
– Correcting any error that might be missed during editing.

The Ghostwriter

A ghostwriter is a writer who writes copy (books, articles, etc.) for other people under the other person’s name. Most times, they do not get any royalties from book sales, nor do they get any credit or recognition for writing the book (it is not a public collaboration- only private) This person may or may not be an editor, but will likely have a good command of the English language.

Which type of editor do you need?


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